Walter and Henry love to play hide and seek, and Walt gets the gist, but sort of gets lost in the details...
When it's turn to count, he stands still and covers his eyes, and says, "Doh-e, doh-e, doh-e, doh-e..."
Then, when it's his turn to hide he does one of two things: he goes to another room and stands in plain sight, then scares you when you find him, or, he follows the seeker. This annoys Henry, who yells over his shoulder for Walt to play right and hide, and tries to seek him out anyway - which is amusing as Walt follows him around.
Walt follows one main rule while playing: always hide in the same place.
And, a favorite hiding pose is to hide by covering his head, while the rest of his body is exposed.
The other day, Daddy hid and didn't divulge his hiding spot after being called and called by the boys. Then, he burst out of his spot with a roar, and Walter did a little dance, stopped, and did another dance, and probably peed himself a little, and wound up crying hysterically out of fear and surprise.