The Northfield Rambler

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A Trip to the Co-op

Posted by Stace
* Much of this is tongue in cheek, I still love the Co-op.

I love the Co-op – was thrilled when one was opened here in Northfield. I am a devoted “Shopper” there, and feel that I am not only doing the right thing by shopping there, but also doing a good thing for my health, my body, and my family’s health. It just makes me feel good.
Sort of.
The problem that I find is that I am not a devoted “Member”. And this fact causes me a lot of grief – not while I am shopping there per se, but when I get to the cash register. I have to question whether my anxiety is self imposed or if I am influenced by the actions and behaviors of others, and my current explanation is that it’s a mixture of both. Let me explain what a typical stop at the cash register is like:
Cashier: What number would you like for me to use?
Well, I think. Technically she can use any number she wishes to use as I am not a member… and the anxiety kicks in. I have to announce again that I have no number - not because I don’t believe in sustainability, reduce/reuse/recycle, or peace and justice throughout the world, but because I am too cheap to pay the dues. That, and I can’t figure out exactly how the dues really benefit me… There I said it. Think what you will.
Me: I have no number.
Cashier: Okay.
Now, sometimes the cashier there will smile and tell me how happy they are that I am there (anyway), which always seems nice albeit oddly against the Minnesotan way, in my opinion. But often nothing is said, as though there really is nothing that can be said to people like me…
Cashier: Would you like a bag?
Heightened anxiety. Would I like a bag…? Well, there are over 3 items in front of me and I have a wallet and keys in my hands. (I am reminded of those god awful math story questions I would get as homework as a kid: if you have 4+ groceries in front of you and keys and wallet in your hand, how many groceries can you carry without a bag?)
YES, I would really like a bag, but is that the right answer? (And now I am reminded of those god awful social work questions, this is a correct answer, but not the right answer...) – I think not, and honestly, do I always need a bag? No. However, unless I intend to balance something on my head, it’s needed. The other issue is this: I am pregnant, obviously so at this point. Now, I don’t at all believe that because of this I should receive “special” treatment (like a bag), but for crying out loud – I’ve got what sometimes feels like a bowling ball in my belly! I WANT A BAG!
I suck it up – I am already not a member, does it really matter whether I take a bag? They probably expect it of my kind.
Me: Yes please.
She pulls out a small bag.
Cashier: Is this one okay?
You have to be kidding me. I really have to approve my clearly unnecessary bag? My face grows hot. Now I might as well be yanking seedlings out of the earth.
Me: Perfect.
Cashier: Do you want a copy of your sales receipt?
I am now seriously contemplating buying tasteless, styrofoamy foods from Econofoods and just dealing. The cashiers don’t talk to me there, in fact, they occasionally wander away aimlessly during a transaction (no kidding). I would be saving some money…
What I now want is to ask for the entire roll of sales tape just so I can throw it out into the wind and watch it unfurl.
Me: Yes please.
I walk away with my bag and my sales receipt wondering how long it can be before I return.

A father's calming effect.....

Posted by Kevin.....

"Give me you hand!" Stace demands of me several times a day. She places it on her belly. I wait and wait and wait. I feel a few light thumps.

"Yep, I felt that." I always say. "He was REALLY kicking just a second ago! He always stops when you put your hand on him." she always says.

Henry is very active certain times of day. We have been assured that this is a great sign. It means he is getting plenty of oxygen and nutrients.

He seems to rest when Stace is active, the motion of her walking around rocking him to sleep.

Then she'll eat some chocolate.

This is an invitation to the baby Olympics. Henry will "run" from one end to the other, then roll like and alligator! One time, I placed my ear on Stace's belly and got walloped! I could feel a hard object, most likely a foot.

Then I'll place my hand on her belly, and the activity subsides for a while.

The calming effect of a fathers touch.

Monday, October 08, 2007

You can't stop change.

Posted by Kevin....... Fall is here, but you wouldn't know it. Except for a couple of cool nights, highs this past week have been in the upper 80s. It's rained a lot, and of course our lawn and our flower gardens have never looked better. (Just 2 months ago it looked more like Arizona than Minnesota here.)

But the trees around here have a built in calender program that checks the date, then says, " I don't care if it's 87 degrees. Turn the leaves yellow NOW, and start dropping them."

Fall for me means beer, bratwurst, and long, slooooow bike rides on the trails to see the leaves.
(Obviously, the speed and distance of my bicycling is inversely related to the sum of beer and brat consumption.)

These are some of my "Minnesota in Autumn" photos:

St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN

and Lake Harriet in Minneapolis, MN

Photos by Kevin K. More to come.......

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