The Northfield Rambler

Thursday, March 29, 2012


I'm not going to lie and say that we don't sometimes struggle at nighttime. Sure, there are plenty of nights when we awaken with a start upon being thwacked in the face as Henry rolls over and his arm flies through the air. I've woken up to hear Kevin shout out after being kneed somewhere, and I myself have been known to toss around expletives when I wake up in the middle of the night with a knee in the small of my back and an inability to gain anymore space than the 2 inches I've been allotted on the edge of our queen bed. Depending upon the night, the time, and my stress level, I've been known to abruptly request that Henry - all sprawled out and sleeping soundly in the middle of the bed - "scootch!", rationalize with him by announcing that he is "encroaching"/"crowding me", and sometimes when it's really bad, announce that in fact he is a "pushy monster". As it turns out, it doesn't much matter what I say, he sleeps through it all, and moves with moderate grumbling (As If!).

Before we even get to the sleeping part, however, it can be a treacherous business. Lying in bed telling stories or chatting can easily go awry when one kid decides to move quickly and the next thing I know my nipple is pinned to the bed by a knee. It leaves one speechless, really. Or again, I am thwacked - accidentally of course, but all the same... One would think that nighttime is a time of rest and relaxation, a "break" even. But not so. It can be quite challenging.

But while the above is all too real and a little like crossing a busy street dodging oncoming vehicles, most of the time it's more like tonight, which was like this:

Walter laid in bed murmuring sweet nothings interspersed with, "Go 'way, Berbre" (bedtime is special Mama and Walter time, but Henry doesn't respect that quality time much, partly due to his own fear of being left alone, but it's also largely motivated by the fact that he doesn't want Walter to have anything he wants), and reached out for my hand which he then gently rested on his cheek. He pats my hair, leans over and gives me kisses, and sometimes holds me close before he says, "Bye", and I leave his room.

I then climbed in with Henry and while I typically tell him a story or sing a song, tonight we just laid there together in the still quiet evening. I stared at the glow in the dark moon and stars pasted to his ceiling and finally quietly said,
"Yes?" he replied.
"I love you," I said.
"Thanks, Mama," he said.

Thank you, sweet baby.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

OW, Ow, ow

I went to Urgent Care last Friday evening when I had an ear infection. Monday, I went to the clinic that I usually go to in order to have my ear looked at, as I continued to have a fair amount of pain inside of the ear, although the fluid had drained. I couldn't see my doc as he is away on spring vacation, so I saw someone I haven't seen before. I didn't think much of this as I've seen a number of docs in this system and have liked most of them.

This doc looked in my ear and informed me that the ear canal was free of infection, and that overall, the ear looked good. Ok, I thought, I just need to keep taking the meds and things will get better. But the pain didn't go away, and by Wednesday night I had a earful of fluid again, and a whole lot of discomfort. What the heck??!

So, the night was a little ragged, and then this morning (Thursday), I trundled off to the doc again - the same one I saw on Monday. He is nice, but I'm not overly impressed and think I'll steer clear of him in the future. He saw some irritation, he informed me, but he didn't sound too impressed by my infection.

I'm somewhat disturbed by this because this ear infection business has been quite uncomfortable and my ear was all swollen - how bad do these things get?? Yikes. So, then he tells me that he's going to prescribe a new med, along with drops because he thinks I have a skin infection.

I thought about this. I was skeptical. I explained that it seems likely that this second ear infection has to do with the pain that I've been experiencing deep in my ear (or what seems deep to me), and I was concerned that we weren't addressing that specific issue, and I wasn't totally buying the idea of a skin infection. I questioned him.

He suggested that I "dig" in my ear and this could've begun an infection. First, I don't "dig", and second, I haven't done any more of that recently than I have in the past 42 years, so again, I'm searching for answers.

No great answers here, I started the meds with little improvement (although it's still quite early), and a whole lot of discomfort. Hoping my doc comes back soon, and hoping this all clears up soon.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

If I die...

Henry informed me that if I die he will remember my voice, and that my voice will be in the wind.
I started to cry.

Then, I started to laugh, 'cause he continued with this:
"And if you go to Jupiter, be careful, because there are real dinosaurs there, and alligators, and cannonballs, and they will kill you. So, you stay away from that planet!"

Monday, March 19, 2012

Henry's Tidbits

I said something the other day and he said, "I beg your pardon?!"
He called Kevin a "silly goose".

After I heard Walter start crying (really crying), I went downstairs and asked Henry what had happened. He doodled around, acting all casual, and finally said, "Well, it's kind of a long story, but I'll tell you anyway."
"Good, I've got time." I say.
"I smacked Walter."

The three of us were at the playground the other day playing with lots of friends - and we were there for a long time, and had a great time. Finally, everyone had left, and I said to Henry that we had to get ready to go because all of his friends had left.
He looked at me very solemnly and replied that in fact, Walter hadn't left, and he is his best friend. Ever.

(He said it two times!)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

More fussiness

I feel that it's about time for my annual Co-op gripe. I bought a basket half full of groceries today, and the cashier asked me if I wanted a bag. I hate this. I feel - sort of- badly that I hate this as I understand that I would be a better person if I took my own bag, and yet, I am annoyed that I feel pressured to do so, and this makes me want to dig in my heels. Honestly, I tend to feel that if I can't carry it all in my arms around the store (hence the basket), why ask if I need a bag? I suspect they aren't trying to shame me, and yet, there the basket is, right in front of them on the conveyor belt - surely that must be a clue that a bag is going to be warranted. Yes, maybe I have a cloth bag stuck on my person somewhere they haven't yet seen, so again, I guess I get their asking, and yet, typically, I (or most others, I think) would have their bag out if they planned to use it.

Yes, I need a bag, I tell her unabashedly.
Do you need a receipt?
Why yes, I do, I reply.
On my way out, just because I'm annoyed, I think, wow, this bag is heavy. I sure hope it doesn't break. Maybe I should triple bag it...


I went to the dermatologist to address my rosacea because I was taking a med that wasn't doing much for me, and burned a lot when I put it on my skin. So, she suggested a few other things, and I took the samples and started them. I'm not sold yet on whether these meds help, but they don't seem to be doing any harm, and they don't hurt - so that's good. The dermatologist told me that the meds were expensive without insurance (and of course, there's no generic), so I figured I'd take the script in to the pharmacy and see how much it is with my insurance. I did that today. The pharmacist told me that with my insurance one med is $330, while the other is over $200. I suggested I take the prescription back, and as I walked away I thought I guess I'm glad I don't have cancer.

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Henry's Birthday!

The boys


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