The Northfield Rambler

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Taking Medicine witth Daddy

So, Henry has modeled perfect med compliance for Walter - and now they both suck down their medication with ease.  Last night, Kev had 2 syringes of oral medication, and the boys lined up in front of him with open mouths (this, in and of itself is a feat, by the way).  They both took their medicine, then high fived Daddy.  Then, fist bumped and "blew it up" with Daddy.  Then, as is the custom, unzipped their pj's down to their hips and took turns tummy bumping Daddy.  It all happened perfectly on cue, as if rehearsed.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Henry's Learning

Yesterday Henry and I planted a blueberry bush.  While we did this, we found lots of worms to put into his "worm house" which is at the corner of my garden.  He squealed, hooted, and hollered every time I found a new worm for him, and he ran over to collect it on his shovel (won't touch them, oh no). 

He later told me that the worms dug into the earth for protection.  I asked what they sought protection from and he replied, "Predators."  We talked about what types of predators worms have, and then our conversation morphed to ants, at which point Henry told me that ants can find lots of food outside to take to their babies called "Lar-vay". 

Later, that night we were reading a story and there was a picture of flowers and Henry pointed to the stamen area and said, "Nicter".  "Nectar?" I asked him.  "Yes," he replied.


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Home alone with Walt.

 posted by Kevin.....

It seems that Walter and I are butting heads on several key topics today.

Mostly animals....and shoes.

(editor's note:  not to be confused with "elephant shoes" which is a silly phrase people mouth to one another because it looks like "I love you".  You know, so they can trick you into thinking they love you. People can be so......never mind.)

Walter was proudly naming all the animals in his At The Zoo book for me. We get past the "GO-rla" "ZU-bra" and then he says "RAH-na-na".  

I say, "RAH-na-na".  

He yells "NO! RAH-Na-Na"!  

I say, "RAH-na-na?"  

He reiterates, "NO Da da!" 

(we go back and forth a few times) 

Then I say, "Well I guess I don't get it."  

He says, "A-huh". He closes the book slowly in obvious disgust.

A few minutes later, Walter walked over to me and pointed at my shoes. 

"Da da, no shoes." he says.

"Should I take off my shoes?" I ask.

"NO.  Those are MY shoes."  he says with remarkable clarity.   

I am impressed by his use of a full sentence to convey an observation that is clearly delusional and a bit confrontational, but none the less clearly expressed.

"Whose shoes are they?" I said with a pretentious smirk.  

There was a subtle shift in his tone.

"NO DA DA!  Those are MY SHOES!  GRRRRRR!!!"

I had precious little time to process a careful response, as I was sure a "throw down" was about to occur.  

"How about I take my shoes off?" I said, feeling smug about slipping in the "my shoes" as I caved in to a two year.

"UH-huh."  he said.  He turned and walked away. 

The silence was awkward.

Saturday, April 21, 2012


The other day our family went over to Carleton College to picnic, and we saw another family we don't know finishing up their fishing excursion.  Henry wanted to go talk with them, so he marched over ahead of us and opened with, "Hi guys, what'd you catch?"  Then, sparked a conversation from there, and Henry carried it.

I am always amazed at Henry's ability to connect with people, his willingness to do so, and his natural desire to make friends wherever he goes.  I admire this quality in him, and am so proud that he isn't afraid to reach out.  What I am also amazed at is how this affects others.  Most of the time people respond favorably, but sometimes - more often than I like - people respond lukewarmly, or the minimum amount, and that annoys me greatly - especially when adults are involved.  I suppose it is a Minnesota thing, and so because I believe that, I am always overly impressed when a Minnesotan responds with enthusiasm as I realize it takes work. 

Today, at the park, Henry saw some kids coming to play and he yelled out from his high place perched on a "jungle gym":  "Hi!  I'm up here!  I'm very high up.  What's your name?"

I love love love him.

The boys and I had plans this morning to go out to breakfast.  On the way out, I told Henry that I missed Grampie, and that if we lived near him and Nana, we would meet them for breakfast.  Henry, a very warm and empathic responder (when he listens, that is), sadly said, "Oh, we could drive there all the time, but the drive is all day."
"Yes," I replied. 
Yes, he agreed, he misses Ohio, and then said, "I wish we could live in Ohio."
We would see our Ohio friends more often, I suggested, naming a few. 
"And we would see Grampie and Nana."  Henry sadly reported.
Then, he said, "let's not talk about it anymore."

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Kevin and Henry were looking up exotic places on the internet, and Kevin said, "What's your favorite place, Henry?"
Henry replied, "The library."
Ok, "Any other places you like?"
"I like Ohio a lot." Aw, my sweet boy.
They wound up looking at Africa, because that is where lions are.

Sunday, April 08, 2012


Henry and I were talking about having a birthday party for Walter tonight, and Henry said, "Are we going to celebrate Walter's gifts tonight?"
I said, "We'll celebrate Walter tonight by giving him gifts."
"Oh, yeah."

Tuesday, April 03, 2012


Henry with a mustache.

Henry, right before his first swim class.

Henry - an "underwater boy".
Walter, in my favorite pj's.
Walter, playing with Play Doh.

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