The Northfield Rambler

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Happy Ambiguous Winter Season Religious Observance

Posted by Kevin.....
The older gentleman at the Target cash register just wished the customer in front of me a "Merry Christmas"! WOW!

Okay, you are sick of last years "War on Christmas" where every person who had any contact with someone other than a blood relative was required, in the name of tolerance, to wish them a Happy Holidays AND ONLY a Happy Holidays.

This year, it seems that folks are wishing people a Merry Christmas again. And I think that's fine.

I don't believe there is any deep offense in wishing someone who doesn't celebrate a religious holiday, happiness and joy on that day.

Hanukkah started yesterday. I told Stace we needed a card for our Jewish neighbors, "It should be blue and white with a six pointed snow flake." I said. Is that ambiguous enough?

I will wish my next door neighbors a Happy Hanukkah. I'm not Jewish, but during this Hanukkah I will maintain a high level of happiness just the same.

Anyway, when I got up to the register at Target, I waited in excited anticipation for my turn to hear the "Merry Christmas". I felt like a little kid at, um ......Christmas!

The older gentleman rang up my stuff and I signed my name on the little computer screen. He handed me the bag and we made eye contact. "Have a Merry Christmas." He said with a big smile. "Thank you. Merry Christmas." I said.

Today, we must all remember the true meaning of the Holiday Season.

(Shop at Target.)


  • At 11:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I disagree wholeheartedly! I am all about "ambiguity" as you put it - or acceptance for all holidays, all backgrounds, all histories. So there.


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