Good Reception
Posted by Kevin......
On Saturday, we had a reception here in our home for all the folks that couldn't travel to Ohio back in October.
Everything was fantastic. With tons of help from our friend Karin, Stace made Mushroom Sherry Chicken and Tomato Basil Pasta, while I ran all over the house like a mad man cleaning up and putting away everything.
At one point, Stace said to me, "Don't hide all evidence that we live here."
Despite the fact that we never hung our art on our walls after painting the living room, or the fact that the bathroom was stripped down to the drywall, everyone said our home was beautiful......especially our KITCHEN!

It's a good thing, since almost all of our 30 guest WERE IN THE KITCHEN MOST OF THE NIGHT!
Between the pilots, the social workers, and the cyclists there was lots to talk about. The party was loud, and kids ran up and down the hall playing.
At some point, my buddy Brenden (a former pro bicycle racer from Ireland) mentioned to the other bikers something about an old European tradition for newlywed cyclists.
Moments later, without warning, Bill emerged from my dark garage where he had helped himself to a pair of my old racing wheels. (How on Earth he got over to the bike racks, got the wheels down in total darkness, and didn't trip over boxes all over the place is beyond me.)
Brenden and Sue then held the wheels over us like an arch and we had our official portrait taken.
On Saturday, we had a reception here in our home for all the folks that couldn't travel to Ohio back in October.
Everything was fantastic. With tons of help from our friend Karin, Stace made Mushroom Sherry Chicken and Tomato Basil Pasta, while I ran all over the house like a mad man cleaning up and putting away everything.
At one point, Stace said to me, "Don't hide all evidence that we live here."
Despite the fact that we never hung our art on our walls after painting the living room, or the fact that the bathroom was stripped down to the drywall, everyone said our home was beautiful......especially our KITCHEN!

It's a good thing, since almost all of our 30 guest WERE IN THE KITCHEN MOST OF THE NIGHT!
Between the pilots, the social workers, and the cyclists there was lots to talk about. The party was loud, and kids ran up and down the hall playing.

Moments later, without warning, Bill emerged from my dark garage where he had helped himself to a pair of my old racing wheels. (How on Earth he got over to the bike racks, got the wheels down in total darkness, and didn't trip over boxes all over the place is beyond me.)
Brenden and Sue then held the wheels over us like an arch and we had our official portrait taken.
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