The Northfield Rambler

Thursday, December 07, 2006

He started walking.

Posted by Kevin......

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE! Always keep an emergency kit in you car:

Flashlight and extra batteries

Tow strap
Fire extinguisher (5 lb., A-B-C type)
First aid kit and manual
Bottled water and non-perishable high energy foods, such as granola bars.

Shovel and cat litter for winter
Booster cables

plus: outdoor clothing including wind jacket and pants, boots, hat, and gloves!

Always tell someone where you are going, and check in from time to time.


  • At 10:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    My buddy Jason wanted me to list the stuff in my aircraft's survival kit. Here it is:

    -Swiss Army knife
    -Para cord
    -Engineering Compass
    -Signal Mirror
    -Whistle (plastic, since metal sticks to your lips!)
    -Orange vest with reflective tape
    -Very large orange marker panel (9"X2" when folded, 6'X4' unfolded)
    -Two Space Blankets (2"X3" when folded)
    -One Space Sleeping Bag (3"x3" folded, very compact!)
    -First Aid Kit (several small dressings, roll of gauze, Band-aids, butterfly closures, burn cream, antibacterial wipes, waterproof First aid tape, hockey tape, superglue, safty pins.
    -Water purification and taste neutralizing tablets
    -4 packs of matches and a Bic lighter

    Other usefull items kept in my flight bag:

    -Leatherman Tool
    -Small rubber coated binoculars
    -3 flashlights (hey, I work at night!)
    -Sun screen and sunglasses
    -Insulated coveralls and ski mask (always in the airplane during winter only)

    Other stuff I SHOULD carry, but don't:

    -Handheld GPS
    -Handheld aircraft radio
    -Bottled water
    -Candy bars


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