Monday, February 28, 2011

Living with a Toddler

The other day the boys and I arrived to church, late as usual. Henry is pretty protective of Walter, but on this day when I took him out of the car and then said, "Please wait here while I get Walter out," he replied with, "Why?"

The other night Henry decided that he wanted both him and Walt to wear matching pj's. Ok, no problem, but then once we started the process I realized I could only find the bottoms for each. Then we are on a hunt.
"Maybe they're in the bucket still," he suggests, meaning the laundry basket. (On any given day we have a few baskets floating around with clean clothes that haven't yet been folded.)
"Let's look," I suggest. Nope, no pj tops.
We reevaluate and decide we'll go downstairs and check the dryer where certainly there are more clean clothes waiting to be moved to a "bucket" that will then sit upstairs until I get frustrated and fold them (average length of time is about 4-5 days).
This process gets drawn out with various other activities that interrupt our searching, and finally Henry decides to wear a one piece footed pj outfit instead.
"Are you sure you don't want to go downstairs with me and look? You want to wear these instead?" I inquire.
Oh yes, he is certain.
So, he changes.
And then, oh look, both shirts are mixed in with Walter's clothes, Silly Mama.
Henry is adamant about changing back.
"Really?" I say, exhausted of the process.
It's all null and void anyway as an hour later Walt is pooped out up to his waistline - so no matching outfits in the end.

Henry needs changed. I get ready to lift him up onto the changing table and he screams bloody murder, "NOOOOOOOOO, I have to get my Jesse doll!!!!!"
Of course.

I picked Henry up from nursery the other day after church and the first thing the attendant told me was how Henry explained to her that he will be getting Woody and Buzz dolls when he is gentle on his toys.

Henry goes everywhere with Jesse, often carrying her on his shoulders - which he loves. Today Kevin was getting the boys ready to go and he asked if Henry would be bringing Woody and Henry said, "What?"
Kevin asked again and Henry said, "I don't have a Woody doll Daddy, I have a Jesse doll. She's a cowgirl."


  1. I love your stories! Not only because they're hilarious, but they give me a good idea of what's to come. Let's get together soon! ;)

  2. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Matching p-js......That's great--and is a testimony to the brothers--and great parents! Now, Mom, I was really tickled about the buckets and getting the p-j tops mixed in with Walt's clothes. And of course, of course, of course, it was all moot with Walt's suddenly fully filled diaper and p-js. Really loved it!!!


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