Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Woody Saga Cont.

Henry, Walt, and I were at Target today and walked through the toy aisle as requested by, of course, Henry. We were at a different, "Super" Target and they carried the Woody doll - a different one than we had seen before, a less expensive one, which was a perk for Mom, and the equivalent to his Jesse doll. He had it in his hands announcing that he wanted it.

Now, recently Henry has been practicing some temper tantrumming, which is relatively new to me. I thought for sure we were going into a full fledged meltdown as I reminded him that we were not there to buy a toy. What continually surprises me is how often Henry surprises me. I clearly know nothing because Henry was fabulous. He informed me that if he continues to be gentle with Jesse, he can get a Woody doll - - which is in fact what we have been promising. Yep, I say, and he replies with, "soon."

And then we left. I practically skipped out because there was not one iota of fussiness, a state he has recently been mastering. I had set this boundary around Woody long ago, but hadn't realized the potential positive outcomes that could come about. I hadn't entered this with the intent to teach patience or delaying instant gratification, and yet that might be a result, at least to some degree. How cool! Besides, we all know what the result of this whole thing will be, so it's beginning to feel like a win win for all!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Just buy him the toy with all the free BSF and CFB cereal you get it should be no problem.


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