Wednesday, March 02, 2011

The Boys

Henry is very good at watching Walter, constantly alerting us to anything he is doing that might be construed as dangerous, wrong, or in any way intrusive to Henry's way of life. In an attempt to stop Walter, redirect him, or "encourage" him to follow Henry's direction, Henry is all too quick to grab a leg and start pulling. Or an article of clothing. It's not really that uncommon these days to see Henry walking down the hallway stooped over with Walter's legs in hand, Walter's head up and looking around as he passes by.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:34 PM

    I can just see the two of them--Henry stooped over, lugging Walter along via the "leg pull"---which, as we all know, is the ancient method of extricating a brother from the center of all interesting activities and attention. THANK YOU for the image and the experience.


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