End of the Season?
A local radio station has a bit called "Weekend, High or Low?". Listeners call in and tell everyone why their weekend was a good one or a bad one.
It's pathetic. People call in and say stuff like, "My weekend was a low. I went to buy tickets to see RUSH, and it turned out they played the night before!" "My weekend was a high! My in-laws are from Atlanta, and the Vikings beat Atlanta, so take that in-laws!!"
Lame. But humor me now. Here was our weekend:
Low: Stace had to work Saturday.
High: I rode the 100 mile Jesse James Bike tour with the Northfield Bike Club.
Very Low: During the ride, I had a flat, then I almost got hit by a car (my fault), then some biker crashed in front of me (his fault), at 70 miles I fell behind my group, and around 98 miles two riders in front of me sped through a RR crossing as a train was coming!! (I stopped). High: I finished the ride! I feel great!
Low: There were thousands of out-of-towners in Northfield for the Defeat of Jesse James Days.
Very High: Stace and I went to Blue Nile in Minneapolis for dinner.
Low: Sunday was perfect weather as Stace and I walked downtown to see all the garbage that outsiders decided to throw on our community's sidewalks and lawns. (Stace pulled an ice cream stick out of a bush in the town square!)

Medium High: Watched the Jesse James shoot out reenactment, then watched the "Defeat of Jesse James Days' never ending continuous cavalcade-on-a-loop celebration festival parade that never seems to stop, ever".
Very High: We waved to all the outsiders as they left our town.
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