The Northfield Rambler

Friday, August 10, 2007

Weekend update.....

Posted by Kevin.....

Okay, quick updates from the 'Rambler':

Stace went to Doc last Friday because she was a little worried about being really tired all the time. Doc says all is well, Stace needs to eat more and drink water..

I came home with 30 ears of corn free from Iowa. Minnesota is in a drought and the corn is expensive. I walked around our neighborhood handing out corn. Yes, it was weird.

I will be racing the Tour De Nick this Sunday in Northfield. This is a club race, put on by us to raise suicide prevention awareness. It's in memory of our fellow bicycle rider Nick Sansome.

On Saturday morning, Stace's sister, Amie, will be coming by to help us finish prepping the basement for paint. There is a lot of sanding to be done. I can imagine white dust will be billowing out of our windows all day.


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