Wednesday, March 14, 2012

More fussiness

I feel that it's about time for my annual Co-op gripe. I bought a basket half full of groceries today, and the cashier asked me if I wanted a bag. I hate this. I feel - sort of- badly that I hate this as I understand that I would be a better person if I took my own bag, and yet, I am annoyed that I feel pressured to do so, and this makes me want to dig in my heels. Honestly, I tend to feel that if I can't carry it all in my arms around the store (hence the basket), why ask if I need a bag? I suspect they aren't trying to shame me, and yet, there the basket is, right in front of them on the conveyor belt - surely that must be a clue that a bag is going to be warranted. Yes, maybe I have a cloth bag stuck on my person somewhere they haven't yet seen, so again, I guess I get their asking, and yet, typically, I (or most others, I think) would have their bag out if they planned to use it.

Yes, I need a bag, I tell her unabashedly.
Do you need a receipt?
Why yes, I do, I reply.
On my way out, just because I'm annoyed, I think, wow, this bag is heavy. I sure hope it doesn't break. Maybe I should triple bag it...

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