Wednesday, March 14, 2012


I went to the dermatologist to address my rosacea because I was taking a med that wasn't doing much for me, and burned a lot when I put it on my skin. So, she suggested a few other things, and I took the samples and started them. I'm not sold yet on whether these meds help, but they don't seem to be doing any harm, and they don't hurt - so that's good. The dermatologist told me that the meds were expensive without insurance (and of course, there's no generic), so I figured I'd take the script in to the pharmacy and see how much it is with my insurance. I did that today. The pharmacist told me that with my insurance one med is $330, while the other is over $200. I suggested I take the prescription back, and as I walked away I thought I guess I'm glad I don't have cancer.

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