Friday, February 03, 2012


While I think this might really irritate some folks, I have to say that I love (LOVE) putting Walt down for nap/sleep, because he is SO EASY. Now, I have to point out that Henry was SO NOT easy to lay down, and this has absolutely nothing to do with anything I do - it likely has a lot more to do with the fact that Walter never got enough down time due to other noise in the house, so I think he always just fell asleep due to extreme fatigue, and then developed a pattern. Or something like that. But, I will crow - it's utterly amazing.

We walk into his room - day or night - he lays his head on my shoulder as I sing for a minute or simply say, "night night", lay him down, and leave. Done. If he drops his Nuk, or toy, he cries for it until I return it. If he's not really tired, he tosses and turns. And that's that. And, recently, as I leave the room and whisper into the darkness, "Night night, Walter," he replies with, "Night night, Mama."

It's grand.

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