Wednesday, February 01, 2012

TP in the bathroom vent?

posted by Kevin....
(serious note: I changed the title of this post because of a recent event in Washington state.)

"Someone" stuffed some toilet paper into the heat vent in the bathroom. Now I'm saying "someone" because I did not see it occur.

And I think it's unfair to assume that since one would need fingers about the size of a pencil to actually get toilet paper into the register vent, this somehow implicates Walter.

Let's put a stop this witch hunt RIGHT NOW!

We must not jump to conclusions. And besides, if the house had burned down, Walter would have carried that around with him the rest of his life. I mean "someone" would carry it around.

Anyway, I found the paper this morning....which means it had all night to burst into flames. Now I know many of you Ray Bradbury fans are going to point out that paper ignites at 451F.

However, this is for BOOK PAPER. Clearly toilet paper would ignite at a lower temperature of course. Probably 69F.*

*(editors note: Please check you bathroom every hour this summer. )

To make matters worse (Oh God what could be worse) somehow the bath tissue had gone from being just inside the vent to disappearing down into the underfloor ductwork. I can't help but think part of that was due to me trying to grip it with fingernail clippers.

The operation this morning to remove the foreign object (actually, we only buy American made toilet paper. USA! USA!) required removing the vent and obtaining a flashlight and mirror.

After removing the vent, which is not unlike removing a giant four sided razor blade from it's iron floor mount, I left to get a flashlight.

I quickly discovered that, although we own 12 flashlights, not one of them is in a location that can be accessed without the use of a flashlight.

An hour later I returned to the bathroom where I had left the vent open, only to discover "bath tissue" all over the floor. The heat had come on during my flashlight search and expelled the foreign material (Made in the USA) on it's own.

Having the hard fought flashlight in hand I inspected the ductwork for additional flammable objects...both foreign and domestic.

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