Friday, April 08, 2011

Tidbits 2

At nap Henry putzed around for a long time before falling asleep. This happens sometimes. I always know when it's happening as it includes his singing, yabbering, putting his legs up on the wall, kicking the wall, crawling under the covers and curling up around my legs... Then sliding over my legs. Then, if things are really bad, he sits up at the foot of the bed and doodles around. But today it wasn't that bad. Finally I took on my stern "Don't Mess With Your Mother" voice and informed him that if he didn't stop talking I would leave the room (we lay there until he falls asleep - and if you have anything at all to say about that let me be very clear in saying: I do NOT want to hear about it). Henry, being sharp as a tack, had nothing else to say, however chose to make a variety of noises following my ultimatum, one being the loud and obnoxious snore. I swear to God, I was ready to jab my eyes out.

After almost a week of pretty close to fantastic eating, Henry is back to normal - eating only when threatened or bribed. This morning was no exception.
Me: Do you want jelly or apple butter on your english muffin?
Henry: I don't want some.
Me: Let me be clear. You are being given an english muffin. On that english muffin would you prefer jelly or apple butter?
Henry: Apple butter.

As I've stated, Henry isn't the best eater. He used to be a phenomenal eater and ate all sorts of good vegetables and fruits. Not so much now. But the other day he looked up from his yogurt and said, "Can I have some more please?"
Oh my gosh, I was so stunned. Teary, I offered whatever he wanted and suggested maybe he take some food off of his brother's plate.

On the subject of food - Walter is a good eater. Today for lunch I offered some "healthy" hot dog (and by healthy I mean it came from the co-op and I am pretty confident that I know what it was made of), and I could not cut it up fast enough. As I put spoonfuls of it on his tray (because stupidly I assumed he wouldn't eat all of it), I found myself fearful that he might bite my hand. It was rapidly vanishing, and while I typically find little gifties for me here and there and - believe me - everywhere - upon taking him out of the highchair, I didn't find one hint of hot dog.

Henry likes to play "Fishing", which is when one person is the fish in the water and they swim around on the floor waiting for the person sitting in a chair ("on the dock") to reel them in. I am typically the one on the dock - for which I am grateful - and when my fish gets near, he calls out of the water, "tow me up". Then usually, the fish is easily "towed" up and gives me a kiss. Pretty cool, and much better than actually fishing, in my opinion.

Henry has been requesting privacy when pooping - albeit, still refuses to use the potty on a regular basis. As I was getting ready for work one day, I opened Henry's closet door to find him crouched in there. He yelled out, "Leave me alone! I'm working."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Fishing and kisses---I never thought of them together. The game Henry and you play sounds wonderful. Certainly the wiggles, giggles, and wriggles of Henry would rival and even outdo any flips a Walleye or Northern could produce. And his kisses are much sweeter than any slimy and scaley kiss from ANY fish! 'Nough said about that. But I would love to see both the boys "swimming" over your braided rug.


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