Thursday, April 14, 2011


Walt and I were at the library listening to a gentleman inform the librarian (who we happen to really like, by the way) that everyone says, "how are you" now instead of "hello", and that he is "really tired of that" since "they don't really care". My back was to him as I looked over the movies and I found myself rolling my eyes over the fact that a Minnesotan would bitch about people being nicer to one another (whether they mean it or not).

The librarian, who clearly knew the man - at least to some degree - stated that he should know that when she asks she really means it. He began to dispute that, inducing more eye rolling on my part, when all of a sudden the librarian interrupted him to walk away and do something elsewhere.
I nearly fell over in laughter.


  1. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Reminds me of advice I received from a friend at a "Golden Agers" (read Seniors) Luncheon: Oh, you really run a risk when you ask one of our members how they are---and you might not want to do this, cause when you ask, they will tell you--IN DETAIL--and you won't get any other thing done. Now, I understand that Minnesotans are different. Apparently it is the OLD Nordic rural reserve--cause we all know that if you weren't raised on a farm in Western Minnesota, you simply DO NOT COUNT-which is to say, you SHALL NOT be seen as being of value. That is, unless the only other persons about are from Southern Iowa. Yet, out of love and interest......How are you, Kevin, and the boys? And Marilyn and Sky? And your friends at church? And the passerbys at Blue Monday? And the Moms and Pops of Henry's friends at Playschool? And the manager at Target? And the tellers at the credit union? How are you all...............

  2. Anonymous9:37 AM

    OOOOOOOOhhh my goodness! I apologize for not proofing my comment! Really, I know better----Should have deleted "one of" in the third line----and (how embarrasing and negligent)should have mentioned you, Stace, hectic Mother, frazzled, tickled, and thrilled. So, how are YOU?


NEVER include links to other sites in your comments. They will always be deleted. Tx, KK.