Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Walt nose better.

Posted by Kevin....

I took Walter to our doctor today because the amount of a fluid being released from his nostrils was quickly exceeding the local grocer's ability to restock the cases of Puffs I was bring home.

Since I was in charge of the boys today, Henry was along for support. But as we entered the parking lot of the clinic, Henry announced, "I might get a shot today" It was almost as if he was looking forward to it. "Oh, not today Squirt. We are here for Walter's leaky nose."

Everyone in the clinic commented on how Henry was a good helper. Walter, for his part, was all smiles as usual despite a cough that would make a Phillip-Morris executive cringe.

While the doc was examining Walter, he gave Henry a small box of stickers and asked Henry to pick one. Henry took the box and sat in the corner carefully examining each one....presumably for its "Collector's Edition" value.

The doctor diagnosed Walter with "nothing" and prescribed a "saline" sprayed into each nostril before bed. I'm not sure why making my son feel like he almost drowned at the beach is going to make him sleep better, but hey I'm not the doctor.

We spent the next 10 minutes talking about cross-county skiing and bike racing. I then noticed both of my children showed signs of losing consciousness! But the doctor assured me this is normal. I agreed, as I often notice my wife seem to "fade" from the here and now as I talk about cycling. Although her symptoms consist of rolling eyes followed by a subtle shaking....of her head.

She will usually cross her arms to steady herself.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:45 AM

    I often react the same way when Mark talks golf.
    —Betty Ann


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