Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Mom Stuff

"Funny" things I never did/thought/bothered with/said/cared about before I was a mom:

1. Stayed in an increasingly uncomfortable position for fear of bothering another human being before, but now, if a child is trying to fall asleep it seems everything hinges upon that one "little" thing. So what if my neck has a crick that might not come out until 2013, by god, I'm not moving a muscle.
2. Said (and hope never to again after all the potty training is completed), "Pee in the potty, and then I want to see it."
3. Rocked, swayed, jostled, and did deep knee bends to coddle another until body parts began falling asleep, and then well beyond that.
4. Repeated myself 5-8 times in a span of 5 minutes, wasn't that bothered by it, and planned to continue.
5. Agreed to 3 books before bedtime and then wound up reading 9.
6. Knew that the thing that mattered most was holding my kid in my lap, kissing his head, and getting hugs and kisses from him.

and a whole lot more.

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