Saturday, December 18, 2010

Some people's parents

Posted by Kevin.....

So I was out yesterday morning, getting an early start on my Christmas shopping this year. I always feel that the quality of the gifts I purchase at the last minute are better than if I planned ahead and bought gifts in, say, early December.

As I toiled for almost 19 minutes in Toys R Us, I had the privilege to be in the company of several people wearing pajama bottoms.

Please re-read that last sentence.

Keep in mind I was in public....virtually surrounded by folks in pajama bottoms and winter coats.

I felt an overwhelming urge to ask one of them if, in fact, a nearby hotel had just been evacuated. But seeing how it was 12:30 in the afternoon, more likely it was a mental health facility with a gas leak.

Editor's note: If by chance you haven't been to a coffee shop in a college town on a Sunday morning, you may not have had the wonderful experience of having a bunch of strangers standing around you in line wearing PJ bottoms with outdoor coats and shoes. This is a trend that has spilled over into mainstream fashion like a mocha latte on Sponge Bob PJ bottoms.

The most troubling site in a cavalcade of troubling sites presented before me was a young couple in PJ bottoms and over sized puffy down jackets. The two of them were picking out toys (for a niece or nephew I hope!) while downing matching cans of Monster Energy Drink.

At 12:30 in the afternoon.

Editors note: If you are unfamiliar with Monster Energy Drink, than either you haven't driven a tractor trailer across Nebraska in one night, or you don't attend your neighborhood "raves" .

Later, when I told Stace about this episode, she asked me, "So what is your problem with these people?"

I told her I also witnessed several "40 somethings" wearing PJ bottoms and was APPALLED, I tell you!

"These People" were most likely parents and as such should maintain some semblance of maturity and sanity in public or when their children or children's friends or parents of their children's friends can see them.

Editor's Note: While I have been "witnessed" to be lounging around in public wearing wind pants and drinking an energy drink there are some subtle, yet very important (but yes, subtle) differences to the couple I "witnessed" at Toys B Us:

Firstly (or "A." if you prefer): Windpants are not the same as Pajama pants even though they may look like pajama pants and I did, in fact wear them to bed the very night before you "witnessed" me.

Secondly (or"B." if you insist): My energy drink was in fact an electrolyte drink with something called "GU" mixed into it, washed down with an espresso.


  1. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Honey, I think it's funny you think that parents should have some semblance of sanity.

  2. Thank you for your comment. Your opinion is very important to me. However, why is it no one else ever comments on my blogs? I'm starting to think I could just tell you these things over breakfast and save room on the internet for important things like YouTube videos.


NEVER include links to other sites in your comments. They will always be deleted. Tx, KK.