Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Henry's Friends
Henry has a few new friends. Robot is his imaginary pal, for whom I am occasionally asked to set a place at the table and tuck in at bedtime. He talks to Robot, plays with him, and sometimes reprimands him - sounding shockingly like me.

Then there is Poo Poo The Spider, who he always refers to as Poo Poo The Spider and never simply Poo Poo. Poo Poo lives on the ceiling of his bedroom (where an actual spider resides), and often sleeps in "the moon", or the ceiling light fixture. While there is no interaction between Henry and Poo Poo The Spider, it is well understood that Poo Poo The Spider does not hurt, he tickles.

Henry routinely takes toys away from Walter, whether they are important to Henry or not. When told that he needs to give Walt something to play with, he either loads his brother up with lots of toys, or picks a big toy and then drops it on his brother's foot.

Henry and I went to the clinic to get our flu shots a couple weeks ago. At first, he was fine about going to get our shots, then once in the clinic he became decidedly less enthusiastic. I kept telling him that we were going to do it together and at first he agreed, then he left me hanging out to dry by myself informing me that I could, but he was not going to take part in it. In the end, it was a relatively uneventful visit, except for the fact that I had to force Henry to do something that he didn't want to do, and to make matters worse, it hurt him. And it's hard to do even though I understand that the long term benefits outweigh the short term.

Afterward we sat in the lobby recovering, him sniffling as he sat on my lap. He looked at me and said, "I want to see your snot."
I showed him the spot I received my "snot". He started talking about how Daddy needs to get his "snots".
"Yep," I say. "Let's go get some chocolate."

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