The Northfield Rambler

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A father's calming effect.....

Posted by Kevin.....

"Give me you hand!" Stace demands of me several times a day. She places it on her belly. I wait and wait and wait. I feel a few light thumps.

"Yep, I felt that." I always say. "He was REALLY kicking just a second ago! He always stops when you put your hand on him." she always says.

Henry is very active certain times of day. We have been assured that this is a great sign. It means he is getting plenty of oxygen and nutrients.

He seems to rest when Stace is active, the motion of her walking around rocking him to sleep.

Then she'll eat some chocolate.

This is an invitation to the baby Olympics. Henry will "run" from one end to the other, then roll like and alligator! One time, I placed my ear on Stace's belly and got walloped! I could feel a hard object, most likely a foot.

Then I'll place my hand on her belly, and the activity subsides for a while.

The calming effect of a fathers touch.


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