The Northfield Rambler

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Spring has Sprung!

Despite spring snow storms and marauding packs of squirrels, some of our tulips finally came up! Photo on right shows some rabbit damage! (Stace had forbid me to harm, annoy, our otherwise impose undue stress on this rabbit.)

Apple blossoms in our back yard made a fine buffet for about twenty "Cedar Waxwings" that stopped over this weekend for a visit. We have never seen these birds before. (This one was probably skinny when it first arrived!)

Tomato plants are started.....along with various flower seedlings. As an extra bonus this year, I'm starting a Sunflower patch!

That's all for now. I'm taking Stace to go to the home and garden store. (I'm not lifting those bags of garden stones!)


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