The Northfield Rambler

Sunday, April 29, 2007

The Bored

posted by Gwenevere

Because this is posted on the internet, I cannot say what Board I am referring to, but I think those of you who know me can accurately guess what I am talking about. I belong to a Board of people who determine -- well, I don't actually know, other than ethics and what I have to pay for various licensures they want me to have, and for which they set innumerable rules and criteria... Some of you know that in the past I have had "a few issues" with the Board, and recently I had to call them to ask some questions regarding my recertification. Because of past traumatic phone conversations with staff at the Board, I tend to get a little anxious prior to calling and need to do some deep breathing and visualization (I'm kidding, the deep breathing is usually enough until after the call when laying down in a fetal position for about an hour as I remind myself that I am loved and capable is typically required).

So, I mustered up the courage to call and I reached a lovely woman who told me that no, taking a class won't count toward independent study hours, that count as continuing education units (ceu's), but reading books or taking online classes do. I said to her, no, I didn't "take the class - I taught it" - thinking surely teaching a class must count for something - and yes, wondering what the heck - reading books counts as independent study?? Good golly, I read like a madwoman, and Amazon can verify this if needed - but I have a sneaking suspicion that convincing the Board of that ain't gonna be easy... She says to me - and I quote: "Oh, you taught the class? Well, aren't you the overachiever." And she laughed.

Did I mention that I have never met this woman? Did I mention that I have had issues with the Board before? Did I mention that I tend to get anxious before I have contact with them? Maybe you are understanding a little more now. For one moment I questioned myself, my tone, my mood on the phone - wondering what I might have said to instigate a response like that, but then I quickly remembered who I was talking to and the fact that I am in Minnesota and sometimees you just get totally weird responses like this, and thought: Yes (*&*%^%$%@!, in fact, you have no (&(^&#%@!!@ idea. But I laughed with her and simply said, "Yep."


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