The Northfield Rambler

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Afternoon Observations.......

Posted by Kevin....

1. Our Home: Few things save energy as cheaply has covering the windows in your home with sheets of plastic. And few things devalue the whole neighborhood like a house with sheets of plastic over the windows.

I weigh this paradox all morning before relenting to winter and covering our windows with plastic. (Placed over the outside of the windows, the plastic not only reduces condensation on the inside, but at night it sounds like you're sleeping in a tent!)

2. Snacking Healthy: Stace loves her Oasis pita chips and Hummus. But I'm not allowed to touch them. So I had one today. (They are GREAT, but very hard and crispy. Kind of like a piece of granite is very hard and crispy.)

My TERRA "Exotic Vegetable Chips" live up to their hyped name! They are great, especially the Mediterranean style. (Stace's tooth crushing pita chips are safe now.)

3. I made my point: For some reason, I was compelled to post an article from the New York Times on our refrigerator AFTER I read it to Stace the day before.

In the past, Stace has insisted to me to let leftovers cool before closing the Tupperwear lid and placing it in the frige. But in the article, the FDA recommended that leftovers be refrigerated IMMEDIATELY! It seems bacteria can double every 30 minutes on meat that is left out to cool.

Stace reasoned that moisture would form inside the container and mold would grow or the food would spoil faster unless the food was left to cool first.

Although I never actually disagreed with her on this, I felt a strange smugness in bring this to her attention. (However I really don't think this changes our leftover policy.)

4. Two Guys and a Ladder: Nate, the roofer (who is BANNED from our property when Stace is home because of her reaction to his "hunkyness" or however she put it) appeared at the front patio with a ladder this morning. I bolted out the front door, angry about this unscheduled invasion of privacy.

I saw Nate was with the Northfield building inspector, who was on the roof checking the ice and water membrane. It seems the city has the power to just climb up on your new roof and check the quality of the new work without any warning to the home owner.

We chatted briefly and the cranky inspector trotted off to the next house with his ladder.

Actually, it meant a lot to us that these guys came by to follow up on our roof work. To bad Stace missed Nate.


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