Wednesday, March 13, 2013

We were at the library.  The boys were doing their own thing while I looked for books.  Henry was at the computer mucking about and Walt was at the train table.  A few other kids mulled around, and among them was a little guy, about 1 1/2 years old.  Walter looked like a big kid next to him, and that shook me up a bit.  All of a sudden, I looked up from where I was looking at children's books and I looked over at Walter, about 20 feet away from me.  He stood there with a frown on his face and his hands on his hips.  He just stood there, and I looked at him trying to understand what he was unhappy about, when it occurred to me that he didn't have his nuk in his mouth.  I followed his gaze to the little boy who was rather rapidly moving toward his mother - and he had a nuk in his mouth (my child's nuk, to be precise).  Then, I heard his mom exclaim, "Oh!  Did you take his nuk?"

Why, yes, he had. 

The mother was very kind, offering to wash it for us, but we were on our way out and I told her not to worry and that I would take care of it.  Walter made damn sure I did too.  I was so surprised at his lack of reaction, but I suspect you could've knocked him over with a feather over this whole scene.  Walter's no pushover - ask his brother - so this kid is either too young to know what he was doing, or he's a force to be reckoned with himself.  In any case, I hustled out of there before a brawl broke out.

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