Saturday, November 10, 2012


Every night, after we go through our normal ritual of reading books, brushing teeth, yelling at everyone to get back into bed numerous times so that we can complete the ritual, we all trundle into Walter's twin bed to read yet another book and then sing songs.  I lay on the bed with Walter beside me snuggled between myself and the wall, and Henry lays on top of me. 

Walter is the song director, he organizes the song list, and so he'll announce what song we are to sing, we follow his direction, and then he calls out the next song.  If we don't follow direction, or deviate from his orders, he whines - loudly - through the song we've chosen until we stop singing and return to his repertoire.

This is how it goes, in pretty much this order, every night:
"BCED"  (or the ABC song)
We sing it.
"Tinkle, tinkle little tar" (twinkle, twinkle little star - we all love the way he says this with an emphasis on the word "tar.)
We sing it, sometimes the exact way he says it.
"Baa baa sheep sheep."
At this point we're done with that tune and are all ready to move on.
"Moon moon"  We all break out into Laurie Berkner's Moon, moon, moon.
And, it goes on.
"Sunshine."  We sing You are my sunshine.
"Ram Sam Sam."  We sing that. 
Usually that's the end, but sometimes we have to sing The Lion Sleeps Tonight...  which is ironic as no one here is sleeping...

On occasion, Walter doesn't want to sing, so he goes through the entire repertoire, but with the word "no" in front of the title, and without giving us time to sing.  That always makes me sad, because it's a little like listening to a depressed person speak:
"No BCED, no tinkle tinkle little tar, no baa baa sheep sheep, no moon, no sunshine..."  You get the point.

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