Monday, April 23, 2012

Henry's Learning

Yesterday Henry and I planted a blueberry bush.  While we did this, we found lots of worms to put into his "worm house" which is at the corner of my garden.  He squealed, hooted, and hollered every time I found a new worm for him, and he ran over to collect it on his shovel (won't touch them, oh no). 

He later told me that the worms dug into the earth for protection.  I asked what they sought protection from and he replied, "Predators."  We talked about what types of predators worms have, and then our conversation morphed to ants, at which point Henry told me that ants can find lots of food outside to take to their babies called "Lar-vay". 

Later, that night we were reading a story and there was a picture of flowers and Henry pointed to the stamen area and said, "Nicter".  "Nectar?" I asked him.  "Yes," he replied.


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