Saturday, April 21, 2012


The other day our family went over to Carleton College to picnic, and we saw another family we don't know finishing up their fishing excursion.  Henry wanted to go talk with them, so he marched over ahead of us and opened with, "Hi guys, what'd you catch?"  Then, sparked a conversation from there, and Henry carried it.

I am always amazed at Henry's ability to connect with people, his willingness to do so, and his natural desire to make friends wherever he goes.  I admire this quality in him, and am so proud that he isn't afraid to reach out.  What I am also amazed at is how this affects others.  Most of the time people respond favorably, but sometimes - more often than I like - people respond lukewarmly, or the minimum amount, and that annoys me greatly - especially when adults are involved.  I suppose it is a Minnesota thing, and so because I believe that, I am always overly impressed when a Minnesotan responds with enthusiasm as I realize it takes work. 

Today, at the park, Henry saw some kids coming to play and he yelled out from his high place perched on a "jungle gym":  "Hi!  I'm up here!  I'm very high up.  What's your name?"

I love love love him.

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