Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Playing with Henry

I got up at an ungodly hour so that I could get some work done. Henry trundled out about 30 minutes later, angry with me that I'm not in bed. He scowled at me and ordered me back to bed. I convinced him to cuddle up with me for a little bit while I "work". He did. Then, just before 7 am, he suggested that I play with him "for one minute"

"Ok," I agree, "for one minute. What shall we play?"
"You pick," he says.
"How about Batcave?"
"That's too long, we play that all day."
"Ok," I try again, "how about dinosaurs?"
"Too loud,"
"How about you make me some food?"
"That's too quiet."
"Henry, what do you want to play?"
"How about Toy Story toys?"
"Good idea, Hen."

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