Saturday, January 21, 2012


I remember my first visit to the doctor following Henry's birth. He told me to do things with the baby and I thought, "Like what?!" I didn't ask because I felt that I should probably know what to do with him, but I remember thinking, it's not like we can go out and throw the ball around or anything.

I figured it out. Now, I gaze back dreamily wishing for the days I could strap my kid to my body and walk around in the quiet, quiet, quiet singing and talking and doing quiet, quiet, quiet things... Those days are gone.

Recently, Henry and Walter both are showing more interests in board games - and I am ECSTATIC about this. Henry is a pretty good bingo and domino player, and Walter, God bless him, has started playing bingo with us!! It's great! I mean, you gotta watch him so he doesn't squirrel away pieces and such, but otherwise, it's great!

We take turns picking the tiles out of the box, and we're supposed to close our eyes as we do so. Walter struggles with doing both the closing of the eyes and the picking at the same time, so when he remembers, he covers an eye with a hand, then puts his hand down and reaches in for a piece. With eyes open. He probably thinks this "closing the eyes business" is a pointless step, and the way he plays, it is. But we do it anyway. Sometimes he varies his actions a little by reaching into the box of tiles, shutting his eyes tightly for a second, opening them, and picking his piece. It's very cute.

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