Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Games We Play

I love playing "Baby" with Henry, it's hands down the easiest imaginative game we play. "Dinosaurs" is the next best play activity as mostly it involves a lot of roaring, chasing, attempts at eating one another, but sometimes, like tonight, it included a made up song that we all had a part in inventing, and a conga line - so you know, it's pretty cool. "Batcave" is okay for awhile, but tends to wear me down, and car racing is really only fun for the first couple of minutes - unless of course, it doesn't include a track and we just throw the damn things down the hallway, which is actually shockingly fun, and my competitive streak shines through.

But "Baby" is grand. I get to lay in bed, or curled up on an easy chair, wrapped in blankets, and I can pretend to sleep, cry, jabber, or do nothing. The boys bring me fake foods, soothe me when I cry (except for Walter, who is more inclined to try closing my mouth), and overall, treat me like royalty. Henry negotiates with me, seems to get some perverse pleasure of denying me fake ice cream until I've eaten my fake veggies, and gently strokes my face. Walter has yet to fully grasp the game, as tonight as I lay in bed while Henry sang me a lullaby, Walt smacked me in the face. We're working on that.

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