Monday, May 16, 2011

Walter's Insatiable Appetite

We all went out to dinner the other night with my sister and her family and Henry chose to hardly eat anything, as usual. I quickly ripped up pieces of cheesy bread and placed it in front of Walter who grabbed it with both hands, smiling all the while. In front of Henry sat a cereal bar on a plate. It sat and sat. Walter looked at it. Then, Walter reached out, took it, took a bite, and put it back on the plate. He chewed, he swallowed, and reached out to take it again. He ate the whole bar and I don't think Henry even noticed.

When Henry eats, we all do backflips and praise him. Walter has gotten into the habit of applauding him.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Hey--Walter knows the routine! Watch all that is on Henry's plate. While it stis there--and he sits there--it is time to reach over and help himself. Then when Henry takes a bite, everyone applauds. While everyone is applauding, Walter quietly stops and just reaches over and helps himself! Now, this is Biblical--and your younger son has lots of smarts!


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