Tuesday, March 22, 2011


The other morning I went into the garage to get the "baby vroom vroom" (ie. dustbuster) and handed it to Henry who promptly flipped it on and shut the door between the house and the garage. I went to do something else when a quick shot of terror went through me as I stood there in my pj's and socked feet in a very cold garage and thought, "he could totally lock me out!"
He didn't, however, and so for that I am grateful, and I made a mental note to hide a key in the garage for the future. Cleaning turned out to be a bust though as while Henry and I sucked up hair and crumbs, Walter sat on the floor dumping out his milk. Oh well.

Henry was chatting with Grandma Keane on the phone the other day and informed her that he has curly hair, Walter has curly hair, Daddy has curly hair, "but not Mama because she wears glasses".

Henry was playing in the pantry the other day and had the vanilla and almond extracts side by side in the front. He informed me that they were getting married. I told him that they made a very nice couple.

Henry received a Woody doll from his Aunts Rachel and Lisa. He has been in sheer heaven. One day after receiving it in the mail he asked, "Hey! Do you remember my Jessie doll?"

I put conditioner in Henry's hair on a regular basis and comb it through because he has really dry hair in the winter. He enjoys this and wanted to put it in my hair the other day. So, he sprayed some in my hair and gently brushed my head. I told him that he was being very gentle and that I liked that.
"You're welcome." He replied.

The last time Henry had his hair cut I watched our stylist work her way into his cowlick that is utterly amazing. It's like this little swirl that branches out over the entirety of the back of his head. I said to our stylist, "That's quite a cowlick."
She stopped cutting, looked at me over his head, and very seriously said, "It's quite a cowlick."

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