Thursday, March 03, 2011

The real reason time out's don't work

We do time out's. I guess a lot of folks find that they don't really work, and I'm not convinced that they do indeed work, but I find that they give us all a time out - as the name suggests - and I think that in and of itself is ok.

However, Henry was extremely agitated and upset when he went into time out tonight - as is usually the case otherwise the time out probably wouldn't be necessary - and the next thing I knew was that he had vomited all over the place. We've been so sick on such a regular basis that it's hard to know these days what's "normal" sickness and Henry working himself up - which he occasionally tends to do, and then he gags.

I find all of this charming. At risk of sounding like I totally don't care, which of course, couldn't be further from the truth - all this yacking makes me crazy. I'm afraid that while I am up to most challenges, those that include vomit sort of grate on me. I have little tolerance for this as it tends to make me sick too. And what also is beginning to get to me is what is initiating all these time outs and that is Henry being too hard on Walter. I'm wearing pretty thin regarding this issue.

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