Sunday, March 13, 2011

Daylight Saving Time

Posted by Kevin.......

I always look forward to Daylight Saving Time (or as I like to call it "Day Light Savings Time").

For one thing, I get to travel in time. Which I don't do very often. Probably twice a year if I'm lucky.

(A little known irony about time travel is I'm usually too busy to do it. You have to plan your trip and inspect the time machine, then fuel it up, change into your "period" attire.....I mean WHO has time for all that?)

So thank you Benjamin Franklin, who first suggested Daylight Saving Time in 1784.....along with a new special type of stove that burns stuff and not your home, the wonderful metal pole stuck on your house THAT ATTRACTS LIGHTNING, and the now ubiquitous "Jar on the Kitchen Counter Full of Pennies".

Tonight, I get to pass instantly one hour into the future. "O' the amazing things I shall see!"

My wish is that the hour of sleep lost will be worth the adventure into mankind's destiny.

Actually, I'm at work. Which means I lose an hour of pay.


CURSE YOU Benjamin. No "penny saved" can make up for the "dollars lost" as I suffer for your short sightedness.

Perhaps if you had some kind of special eye glasses........hmmm?

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