Thursday, February 17, 2011


Many of you know the saga of the Woody doll. Henry wanted a Woody doll (from Toy Story), was told that he would not be receiving a Woody doll until he could show that he is gentle with his toys, and has since explained to anyone who will listen that he doesn't have a Woody doll because he is hard on his toys. But despite this knowledge, he has held fast to the hope that he will still, one day, get a Woody doll and occasionally chat me up about the benefits of a Woody doll. I am convinced that this indeed keeps him from sleeping, as we will be laying in bed and he'll suddenly lean over and start whispering Woody doll facts and remind me that in case I forgot, he still wants one.
"Got it, thanks." I say.

So, we were at Target yesterday and we perused the toy aisles. We were very clear that we were not there to buy (and, I can say happily, that we didn't during that trip). Then we saw the Buzz Lightyear and Jesse dolls (for those of you unawares, this is the astronaut and Cowgirl of Toy Story) and Henry was drawn to the Jesse doll. He talked about it as we walked throughout the store, and then informed the cashier that they don't have Woody dolls. I thought that was helpful.

He continued to talk about the Jesse doll. Then took a nap, but not without first weighing the pros and cons of all the dolls.
"Go to sleep." I said.

I woke him up from his nap so that we could go to the church for dinner, he was extremely challenging to wake and needed a lot of cuddling, for which we had little time, and so he was quite distraught announcing on our way out the door that he didn't want to go to the church, but to Ohio instead. Well, this made me stop in my tracks because I will admit that Henry has a direct line to my heart and well, I will do just about anything to make him happy (sigh) and maybe because of this, he knows what buttons to push. The fact is that I love to go to Ohio and I suspect he knows this. But obviously, going to Ohio last night (instead of church) wasn't really an option.

We pull into the church parking lot and the waterworks begin again as he reiterates that Ohio is where he wanted to go, why in the world were we not on our way there instead? He cried as we entered the church, we stopped and talked, and then I reported that I had had all the crying that I was going to hear and it was time to stop.
"Okay," he reported between sobs.

We had a great night, ate our snacks, played briefly in the nursery, and then went to listen to the handbell choir as they practiced. Usually it's just us in there, but recently others have joined us and last night it was a little like a concert as there were multiple folks in there. I feel like we started something. Henry was wonderful despite our incredibly rocky start and I, like the sap that I am, praised him as we put on our winter gear and suggested that we go get Jesse.
"Do you want to do that?" I asked Henry.
"Yes, Now."

We went, he lead the way about 20 paces ahead of me and when we got to the aisle where she sat I said, "Now Henry, you have a choice. You can get Buzz or you can get Jesse." He strode over to the Jesse doll, picked up her box and said, "This is the one." I asked again if he was certain, and yes, he was certain. No question.

Since obtaining Jesse, Henry and she have been pretty inseparable, so far. She talks to him, he talks to her, when I comment on something that has been done Henry informs me that Jesse did it (so far it hasn't been anything bad), she goes to bed with him of course, he understands that she is not to talk during the night (she has a pull string), she came with us to drop him off at school and has to stay in the car until we pick him up so that she is there to greet him, and he has informed me that I am to take her away when he throws her (but we'll see how long that lasts).

I think he's in love.

My only downfall is that on the way to get her Henry and I had a discussion about how he was choosing Jesse over Woody, but I think that got lost on him as now he is talking about how he needs Woody too. I could see that one coming though.

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