The Northfield Rambler

Wednesday, February 02, 2011


Before bed, Henry put his toys away while Walter sat on the floor watching. (It's totally unfair, I know.) I was cleaning up the kitchen and I heard a cry from Walter that only lasted a minute. I glanced over and he was still upright, so I figured all was ok and didn't rush over, but when I finally did go over I saw that little Baby Walter had been stripped of his Nuk and teether that had been by him when I first set him down.
"Where is Walt's Nuk, Hen?"
He continued to throw toys into the box and nonchalantly replied, "In the box."
Poor Baby Walter.


  • At 8:37 AM, Anonymous KK said…

    Rule number 1: Any toy found in the living room after bedtime spends the night "IN THE BOX!"


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