Thursday, January 20, 2011

Yack Fest

It's been a veritable yack fest here in our household as my lovely eldest woke up this morning at 6:10 announcing that he was "hot and needs medicine". Not long following, he began purging all the liquid he had consumed within the past 12 hours. Copious amounts of liquid. He commented on the "snot water" (I'm going to let you use your imagination here rather than explain...), and thought that it was funny. But then later, after experiencing it another 5-6 times within the next 3 hours, he refrained from comment, became much more serious about it, and became, well, exhausted of it all. As I was. As I still am.

Prior to nap he perked right up, started running around, ate a little dry wheat toast (he's currently on the BRAT diet), drank in "little bits" as instructed, and all was looking up. Then, after nap he put his head in my lap and whimpered before it all started all over again.

Is it wrong to assume that there is a child at daycare who started all of this hell? Is it wrong of me not to care if that's fair or not and go ahead and villify some nameless, sick child? It's too late to be asking these questions as the damage is done. I just pray that I don't get sick as I have 9 clients tomorrow and another 3 on Saturday.

I'm going to bed before the next round begins.

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