Thursday, December 02, 2010

I need this.

Posted by Kevin......

Please God, for just one day. Let me trade places with either of my kids.

You see, the movie "Freaky Friday" (and all of it's twenty six various remakes) never actually portrayed accurately a compelling reason why an adult would WANT to trade places with a child.

Sure, the plot always assumed that parents and children view things as being better in the other family member's shoes. But they are always shown the fallacy of this reasoning and after a crazy adventure where you tell your boss why you didn't turn in your "homework" or nonplussed teachers argue with you about Nixon, you must chase down the fortune teller/genie/evil overlord who switched you in the first place and confess your new found respect for your son/daughter/mom/dad.

Or in some cases, the family dog. (I know, I'm confused about some of the plot lines.)

Where was I going with this? Oh yeah, I want to switch places with my sons. Obviously, this would be a dream opportunity for someone to bring me my food and let me nap in the middle of the day (twice), sit and read in a chair, draw on the floor with markers, and put race car stickers on every flat surface.

But the greatest gift of all would be to sleep through a whole night.

My sons are smart. They are way above average intelligence for their age. (At this moment, Walter is helping Henry fabricate the wings for our sportplane project.)

However, they fight sleep as if it's this great evil force needing to be vanquished! And they will battle with every fiber in their being (mostly muscle fiber) to stay awake lest they miss out on something mommy and daddy watching a DVD or reading a book which is all they really want to do so go to sleep already, why don't you!

And when it comes to eating, Henry apparently received some kind of secret warning that he is about to be poisoned, and therefore has refused almost all food placed in front of him. Even when Daddy demonstrates the food is delicious, as indicated by an overly dramatic "YUUUMMMY" sound that echos throughout our home when I take a bite from his dinner.

So yeah, what was I saying? Oh, I want to SLEEP! I want to eat food that is placed in front of me at a moments notice. I want someone to put my boots on for me. I want someone to drive me around to cool places like the library, the museum, the zoo, the tractor dealership, and of course the bike shop and the coffee shop.

And I will tell someone when I need to use the potty! (Okay, that I do now and it's not well received.)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Oh yeah, YOU need sleep.


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