Thursday, October 14, 2010

(Even More) New Territory

Well, I am taking a break from the project since Mama's fuse is a britally nub. So, instead I laid down with him (even though I have a thousand things to do - mostly work related, so it's nearly impossible to fall asleep). Didn't work. He's still up.

So I left his room. And shut the door. He opened it and said, "Stace, I told you to leave the door open."

I BEG YOUR PARDON????! Stace???
Fine, I tell him, I don't care if the door is open.
Then he came out. I said, "It's nap time, go to bed."
"Oh, okay, " he says, as if this was a totally different idea. ("Oooohhhh, that's what all this has been about.... I get it now.")
"Sure." he says running back into his room.

Still not in bed, still not asleep, instead blathering on loudly.

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