Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Could I possibly be happier?

I am a proud owner of a clothes line. I have wanted one for years, and let me stress that: YEARS. In fact, I probably should have simply asked for it for Christmas, I knew it would make me this happy, and yet, I never did. For years Kevin and I argued over having one - I wanted one (for years)and he did not - and the best place to put it. Finally, I didn't care if we had to hire 2 people to hold the damn posts each time we used it, by God, I was going to get myself a clothes line. And so I did.

I am such a proud owner that it has been put up in a way that it can be taken down when we move - because I don't plan to leave it behind. It could in fact be the deal breaker to actually moving...

When I think of a clothes line, I think of "home", which is ironic seeing as how I never actually lived in a home that had a clothes line. But now I do, and our home feels ten times more like a home than ever before. I'm also doing a lot more laundry.

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