Monday, July 19, 2010


My birthday fell on a weekend that Kevin was off, so that was nice, and we had a little family celebration that Friday after work. After dinner, Kevin wouldn't let me into the kitchen, but I quickly understood why as Henry was reaching frantically for the counter as he talked about the "cupcakes". We all ate gluten free cupcakes (super yummy), and Henry quickly made the association between birthdays and cupcakes. He brought to me my 2 gifts, and when I asked him what they were, he never took his eyes off of his cupcake as he replied, "Books". Yea!! 2 good ones: I Was Told There'd Be Cake, by Sloane Crosley, and When You are Engulfed in Flames, by David Sedaris.

So having Henry around meant there weren't going to be any surprises, but who can argue with cupcakes and books??

Then we had a little get together with some friends. When the cake arrived, the kids and I blew out the candles together, and Henry wielded a big spoon. He couldn't contain himself much longer and he had to dip in once the candles were blown out. Luckily, the cake was dense, so he didn't get beyond the frosting - but then, I'm not entirely certain he intended to get beyond the frosting anyway. The cake was cut and there was a collective "ah" when the cake was identified to be chocolate - at first I thought that that came solely from the kids present, but I think the adults had shared their anticipation.

It was fun! Henry sang out "Happy birdday to you" for about a week, and talked often about the cupcakes which clearly made an impression.

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