Friday, June 18, 2010

Let Me Tell You About My Boys

6/6/10, posted by Stace

“Henny Can”
Henry has decided today that he is going to start dressing himself. It started when I went in to see him during his “nap” when he had called out to me announcing that he pooped. I stepped into his room noting that he had taken his sweats off. Then, with a flourish, he brandished his pants in one hand and his diaper in the other. (Lucky for me, he hadn’t spoken truthfully about the poop, and there was only a wet diaper.) What surprised me was that he had taken his pants off – this was new behavior.

Later, while on the phone, I whispered to him that it was time for pajamas. He promptly disappeared, reentering a few moments later with his pj top on – only in a “non traditional” manner, as the neck was pulled snug around his midsection. “Mama, look!” Henry was shouting, smiling and quite proud. Later, he produced the bottoms, sat down and pulled them on announcing, “Henny can, Henny can!” (his version of “I can do it”, but it sort of doubles as a cheer, huh?), and by golly, he did. He stood up, pants on backwards, but who cares, stating that he needed my help. I looked at him – it looked fine to me, and I told him so when then he turned around to show that in fact some help might be useful as he had pulled his pants straight up without compensating for the diaper leaving a bunch of diaper (a whole bottom, actually) sticking out the top.

Walter is smiling and cooing, and being in every possible way - Simply Adorable. He sleeps and coos and smiles and sleeps and sleeps and sleeps… He is not yet 2 months old and wearing 3 month clothing, he has folds on his arms and thighs, and is round all over. He loves to cuddle and snuggle and likes to sleep with Mama and Daddy in the big bed.

“So Laurie” et al.
Henry has recently started saying sorry – A LOT. We aren’t encouraging it necessary, but think that it’s hysterical when he says it, because it comes out, “so laurie”.
Tonight he walked to the dinner table with an armload of cars. He knows he isn’t allowed to have cars up on the table (even though sometimes I make exceptions). He said, “Cars on table? Yes? Okay.”
His hearing is remarkable, he always hears the trains on the other side of town, doesn’t miss an airplane (and they aren’t loud like in the cities) – and like a small child inevitably will, he has started hearing what he wants to. When I say, “if you do that one more time…”, he says, “One more time!” If I say, “Please don’t do that again”, he says, “Do that again!”

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