Sunday, June 27, 2010

I feel like Walter is older than he really is...

There are times when I look at Walter and I think, "there's no way he's only 2 1/2 months old." But then I remember being present at his birth, and it occurs to me that indeed he is only 2 1/2 months old.

First off, he's enormous. I would not call him fat, but I might call him "Bruiser". He's sturdy. Broad. Stocky. Big... Next to our friend's 4 month old, Walter looks like he could be 5 months old. Wearing 3-6 month clothing.

Second, some 10 minutes ago he was on his play mat, then Kevin brought it to my attention that he had moved. I looked thinking, ok, he moved -- but clean off the mat?! I hadn't anticipated that. I wonder, should he be doing this at such a young age?

And lastly, sometimes he simply presents himself older. I look at him and he smiles at me as if to say, "yeah, I know...", like he gets it, he understands. Like he's 50. Then he coos, flirts, and looks away all a twitter. Like he's a baby.

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