Henry calls his little brother, "Baby", mostly, but on some occasions will refer to him as his "baby bruddah" - which I find quite "street" and think is hysterical. Tonight, he gave Walter hugs and suggested to me that he give "more hug" to his bruddah.
Henry is a BIG bruddah, helper, and sweet, sweet son all rolled into one. Yours is a blessed family. And, though anonymous to get through the system, guess who!
Love the pics. Now that I have enrolled in the GOOGLE program (spare me) I am ready to noteate on your blogsite--that is, if I can decipher all the jiggly-google(y) (clever, what) letters!
At 6:33 AM,
rachel said…
Walter is so lucky to have such an wonderful big brother!
At 6:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Henry is a BIG bruddah, helper, and sweet, sweet son all rolled into one. Yours is a blessed family. And, though anonymous to get through the system, guess who!
At 6:06 PM,
grampy said…
Love the pics. Now that I have enrolled in the GOOGLE program (spare me) I am ready to noteate on your blogsite--that is, if I can decipher all the jiggly-google(y) (clever, what) letters!
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