Friday, March 12, 2010

Our Child is Amazing

Yep, I said it, he is amazing. It was time for bed, actually past time, and I was trying to get him to help me pick up his toys which were strewn all over the living room and kitchen. He had other plans, mostly including continuing to play with his toys, and I walked out saying/thinking: forget it, I can see you're not going to help tonight, I'll just go get ready for story time.

So, I am in our bedroom getting the appropriate books, all the while calling him in for story time. Henry, however, is doing things in the living room, and then I see him in the kitchen with the utensil drawer open. He shuts it, and runs back into the living room, is busy again. I begrudgingly go into the living room thinking that he has been pulling out every toy that wasn't already out of his toy box - and am stopped in my tracks at the living room being completely picked up - even what was on the far end of the living room - he put his spatula away (he plays with kitchen utensils, not usually with the knives tho...), and he says to me, "one more", and pulls his toy basket out in order to reach the few items behind it.

I am in complete and utter amazement. I love this child - and so what if he did get some of my obsessive traits...

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