Friday, March 19, 2010

Letters and Numbers

Henry has been learning his letters and his numbers. He is better at the ABC's than he is with numbers as he refuses to accept that one comes first, and will count this way, "two, three, one!" We have been visiting playgrounds recently because the weather has been so out of sight, and he goes to the big slide, positions himself, and says, "two, three, one - wheee!" He is fearless about these slides (some of them are shockingly steep, by the way), even though there have been times he's gotten to the bottom and fallen face first onto the ground. He just dusts himself off and says, "yes, Mommy" when I ask if he's ok. Then he says, "more", and heads back up.

As for letters, he repeats the letters in his name, and when asked what it spells he proudly shouts, "Henny!!" (Well, yeah, sort of...) He likes to listen to us singing the alphabet song and will occasionally chime in with a letter coming up. He knows the beginning and end quite well saying, "ABC, XYZ".

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