Monday, December 07, 2009

Henry Stories

This morning we were all getting ready to go out, Henry had on his warmie, but not his parka or hat yet. We were bustling around getting all of our things in order when Henry walked into the kitchen and said, while occasionally drinking from his sippie, "bye bye Mama, bye bye Daddy".
We stopped and looked at him, both of us taking a moment to wonder how he might get along without us. Probably not poorly, I figured.

Getting ready to attend church Sunday, Henry and I were - again - in a hurry to get out the door. I had the shoes out that I intended to wear, but Henry kept taking them from me saying, "bye bye shoes" and returning with boots for me to wear. I tried to explain that I didn't need boots, that I would be the only one there in big land's end hiking boots, but he didn't care - and in fact would become quite distraught when I returned to my shoes. Fine, I figured this wasn't going to be a battle - after all I figured I could carry my shoes and he wouldn't notice the switcheroo. "Boot! Boot!", my son shouted as I put them on. I forgot the shoes - had to take communion with my big ol honkin' boots. I was the only one with boots.

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